
You Are The Main Character of Your Life!

“As a counselor, I know that building good rapport with your therapist is essential. By establishing this relationship, you feel accepted just as you are! Knowing you are accepted allows healing to occur and personal growth will follow. I’m only the facilitator; you are the main character of your life, and children are the main character of their own lives.”

Mariko Prigel
Founder of Attachment Healing Ministry

Play Therapy

Children’s language is not fully developed, so they cannot verbally express what is happening and/or their feelings. Therefore, for children “toys are used like words, and play is their language.” (Garry Landreth, the king of Child-Centered Play Therapy says).

Children express themselves through their play, as well as solve problems through their play. Play relieves negative feelings and promotes self-growth through the developmental stages of childhood. For children, “playing out” their experiences and feelings is the most natural way to deal with the self-healing process.


Attachment Play Therapy

This therapy is great for rebuilding and/or strengthening a relationship with child and caregiver. No one can be a perfect parent and no one needs to be. Your child may have an attachment injury and it might be causing behavioral or emotional problems.

Attachment Play Therapy will help you to develop a more secure attachment relationship with your child. This is a great therapy for bettering your parent/child relationship, especially for an adopted child, a child reunified with a parent or a step-child.

Trauma Therapy

Basically, trauma is defined as overwhelming, uncontrollable events that psychologically impact persons by creating in them feelings of helplessness, vulnerability, loss of safety and loss of control. Sometimes it feels like we can’t move forward and are stuck with past experiences hijacking our minds. Particularly, trauma experiences can hinder our ability to fully function while living in the here and now.

There’s good news that Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy and/or EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) are great tools for getting a deeper level of healing the past wounds and traumas by changing old conclusions (negative cognitions) which you created at the moment of trauma experience (e.g. I am a bad child, I am worthless, I am powerless) to new healthy conclusions (positive cognitions) such as I am OK as I am, I am worthy, and I have choices

Mindfulness Intervention

Mindfulness is the practice of being awake, of participating in your life here and now, not of being hijacked by past experiences nor of being worried about future. By practicing mindfulness you can be more aware of your emotions and thoughts without judgment.

This can help you to be the main character of your life! Believe it or not, you can train your brain! When you want to build muscle, you do push-ups — In the same way, when you want to build a healthier brain, you practice mindfulness. It can help you expanding self-awareness and building a healthier self!

What Is Mindfulness?

  • Mindfulness is the awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose, and non-judgmentally, to the unfolding of experiences moment by moment.

  • Mindfulness is an effective tool that can strengthen our brain’s ability to act on our intentions.

  • Mindfulness teaches us how to train the brain intentionally and how to awaken, realize, and nourish our personal well-being.

  • Mindfulness Wheel helps us to make healthy choices/decisions by “responding” the situation, not “reacting”.

  • MeWe MIndfuleness is an approach to self-care and personal and collective growth that harnesses the power of our brain to work for us rather than against us.
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